# Jump to heading Subverted expectations
As an avid album listener, having familiar songs appear in playlists regularly throws me for a loop because the next song playing doesn’t end up being the one I know from the album order. I wonder if that’s a common feeling to have for people in my age. Most people don’t seem to listen to albums anymore. Or are they and my perception is skewed?
# Jump to heading Good traditions
In keeping with good traditions, I once more opt for re-doing my website instead of writing for it because that is really the purpose of it: Allowing me to engage in some recreational tinkering on the weekend while accomplishing absolutely nothing.
# Jump to heading Favorite albums of 2020
As is true for every year, this one saw plenty of good music releases. Without ceremony, here are my favorite albums of 2020.
# Jump to heading Favorite albums of 2019
As with the previous years, 2019 was packed full with interesting new music. As is usual, I compile a list of my favorite albums that I listened through-out the year or discovered by consuming other people’s lists. Here it goes.
# Jump to heading Contributing code with git
You want to contribute code. You use git. How to?